"Basically, you do not know what real power is unless you have witnessed the kind of power that this amplifier has. Listening to a very wide range of video and audio sources, this is one behemoth of a power generator. None of the audio or video sources that I auditioned presented the slightest problem for the Rotel multichannel amplifier."
In a lot of ways, power is the name of the game when it comes to multichannel operations. With 5.1 systems, A lot is required to get the true outcome of your audio. The RMB-1585 has no problems in this department, with a whopping 200 Watts per channel (20-20kHz, < 0.03%, 8 ohms), all five channels driven.
But with all this power under the hood, sonic refinement is not forgotten, with a well balanced performance with anything you throw at it. Dynamic explosive sequences are handled with aplomb, and lots of detail is elicited from subtle music.